24th Annual Conference: Call for Presenters

We are calling for presenters of research and educational practice reports for the 24th Annual Conference in 2024 academic year. The conference will be held on March 8-9, 2025 at Ritsumeikan University Osaka Ibaraki Campus (Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture).

If you wish to present, please read the following Call for Presentations (Annual Conference Form 1) and Writing Guidelines (Annual Conference Form 2), and submit your application using the link for Presentation Application From below. Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.

-If you wish to apply for a presentation in English, please check the “English” section of each form.
– Please note that you will be required to submit a 2-page A4 abstract for each presentation.
-Please use the special template (Annual Conference Form 4) when writing your abstract.

Call for Presentations (PDF)
Japanese] [English]
Annual Conference Form 2: Guidelines for Writers (PDF)
Japanese] [English]
Annual Conference Form 4: Template (MS Word)
Japanese] [English]

Presentation Application Form [Japanese]

Presentation Application Form [English]

Manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail by Monday, February 3, 2025, using the template and following the instructions for writing. Please note that the manuscripts will not be peer-reviewed, but if there are significant problems with the content or style, your presentation may not be accepted.

Deadline for presentation entry: January 14, 2025 (Tue.), 23:59pm

Deadline for submission of completed manuscripts: Monday, February 3, 2025, 23:59pm

If you have any questions, please contact us here.
For application inquiries: jimu@jsthe.org
For formatting inquiries (Editorial Committee):
Tetsu Nakamura, Tamagawa University: tetsu@office.nifty.jp

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